Be transported to the wondrous backyards, communities and lives of Territory locals, where you'll hear illuminating stories that aren't all about crocs... Well, we love a good croc story so there's bound to be a few! We'll introduce you to the fascinating and inspiring characters who live in the NT, those who walk quietly amongst us with extraordinary stories, giving you a peek into life in one of the most wild, unexpected and rewarding parts of Australia.
The SPUN podcast is presented by StoryProjects.
Host and Producer - Jess Ong
Sound Editors - Rosa Ellen and Gaia Osborne
Executive Producer - Johanna Bell
Graphic Design - Celia Neilson
We are thrilled to partner with Darwin International Airport who are helping us provide audiences
with a fascinating journey to the north.
Subscribe to our podcast through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or by searching
for SPUN Stories in your favourite podcast app!
For media inquiries or to request use of our content please contact us!
SPUN has hit the world of podcasts!
Whether you're stuck on a crowded bus during your morning commute, wrapped in layers to keep warm on a dreary day, or have always wondered about the Northern Territory but never quite got up here, our podcast is your one way ticket towards a little adventure.